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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

I love Mitch Albom.

I may have only read two of his books so far but I love the way he writes. It's so simple and to the point and just smooth to read. I think the thing I love most about Albom's writing is that it is incredibly fast to read but it never forgets any important details.

I stumbled across The Five People You Meet in Heaven on my parent's bookshelf and was surprised that they had it. Having read The Time Keeper and loved it, I immediately began reading this one. Now, I didn't enjoy the story in The Five People You Meet in Heaven as much as in The Time Keeper but it was still absolutely beautiful.

Albom writes a fascinating take on the afterlife and how important our interactions with other people are, even the interactions we don't realise are happening or happened. His novel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, is about, put simply, a man who dies. Once Eddie, the protagonist, is dead he meets five different unpredictable people who talk him through and explain the events in his life and why they happened the way they did.

Not something I would read to my little sister until she's old enough to understand the beauty of Albom's writing but give the novel to anyone high-school aged and older and I think they would really enjoy it.

Mitch Albom
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Time Warner Paperbacks, 2003
208pp. $11.19
ISBN 0751536822

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