My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I know it took me long enough to read this classic but I’m glad I didn’t read it until now. If I had of read the novel in high school, I probably wouldn’t have gotten as much out of it considering how much the Newspeak forces you to pay more attention while reading it.
1984, by George Orwell, could potentially become a prediction of sorts but for the time being the futuristic dystopia novel tells the almost tragic tale of Winston Smith as he flounders in the clash between love and politics. The quote, “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past,” is emphasised in this novel as the main driving force behind the society that Winston struggles to accept as imperative.
1984 lives up to its reputation and is an exciting read. However, it does make me worry about where our societies are headed. This novel is worthy of its status in the literary world and I think you could get more out of it each and every time you read it. It’s a pity that the author died before seeing how much of a success his work would become.
Definitely a book you need to keep on your bookshelf.
George Orwell
Penguin Books, 1989 (first published 1949)
336pp. £5.99
ISBN 014027877X
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